B.A. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

M.Div. Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education

Ph.D. Princeton Theological Seminary


 616.392.8555 x193

CV Benjamin Conner


  • MN102 Practice of Discipleship
  • MN116 Introduction to Disability and the Church
  • MN564 Practice of Evangelism
  • MN573 Practice of Youth Ministry
  • MN581 Ministry and Margins
  • TH112 Gospel, Culture, & Church

Speaking Engagements


Benjamin T. Conner

Professor of Practical Theology
Director of the Graduate Certificate in Disability and Ministry

Dr. Benjamin T. Conner had been involved in youth ministry in some capacity for over twenty years before coming to Western.  He has served the Church in congregations and through Young Life staff.  He currently serves on Young Life’s National Capernaum Mission Wide Committee.

Ben has earned his Master of Divinity from Union Presbyterian Seminary (Virginia) and his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary in Mission, Ecumenics and History of Religions.  His teaching and research interests include practical theology, youth ministry, discipleship and Christian practices, mission studies, evangelism, disability studies and Christian history.  His wife, Melissa, works in therapeutic horsemanship and together they have four children.  When he is not on campus Ben can be found playing with his family, in the weight room, on the basketball court or mucking horse stalls.

“I believe that in baptism every member of the Body of Christ is ordained to ministry—spiritually gifted and strategically placed to edify one another, to bear God’s love to a hurting world and to bear witness to the redemptive presence of the Triune God. Theological education is about forming people to participate in this calling and to inspire, encourage and equip them to do the same with others. “


Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness
