Ron Rienstra smiling and looking at the camara

A.B. University of Michigan

M.Div. Princeton Theological Seminary

Ph.D. Fuller Theological Seminary

 616.392.8555 x171

 CV for Ron Rienstra


  • MN101 Preaching Foundations
  • MN585 Issues in Contemporary & Emerging Worship
  • MN562 Liturgical Shenanigans: Ritual Theory and Christian Formation

Speaking Engagements


December 1-3: Academy of Homiletics, Louisville, KY


January 2-5: Toronto – North American Academy of Liturgy

Ron Rienstra

Professor of Preaching and Worship Arts, Director of Worship Life

Since his ordination in the RCA in 1993, Ron Rienstra has lived and ministered at educational institutions in Iowa (Central College), Michigan (Calvin College), and California (Fuller Seminary), pursuing his primary interest: helping preachers, congregations, worship teams, and individuals learn to deepen and enliven their gatherings with God. All the while he remained active in local church life as an interim pastor, preacher, worship leader and consultant.

His dissertation focused on the liturgical ecclesiology of Swiss reformed theologian Jean-Jacques von Allmen. His other research interests include exploring postmodernism and its effect on worship and preaching, mapping the place of corporate worship in seminary education in North America, developing a homiletical pedagogy based on the Suzuki music method, and considering how the church might be a Refugia community in an era of climate crisis.

“I often tell my students that worship is like sailing: we work hard at preaching and presiding, but we aren’t in control of what happens. The Spirit blows where it will; our joyful task as preachers and worship leaders is to let out as much sail as we possibly can. When we trim the sails well – when we preach with clarity and vividness, when we celebrate the sacraments with richness and vitality, when we enact the church’s liturgy with authenticity and faithfulness – then we cooperate in God’s transforming work, bringing our full presence into the presence of the Triune God who meets us on Sunday and shapes us for Christian living all week long.”
