B.Ed Linguistics and TESL, Lenguas Vivas, Buenos Aries, Argentina

M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, Weaton College, Wheaton, IL

Ph.D. Theology, Missiology and Social Ethics. Boston University, Boston, MA



 CV for Ruth Padilla DeBorst


  • MN335 Foundations of the Christian Life,
  • MN412 Christian Life and Mission
  • PR450 Intercultural Immersion

Speaking Engagements

To inquire about having Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst speak, please contact info@westernsem.edu.

Ruth Padilla DeBorst

Richard C. Oudersluys Associate Professor of World Christianity

Dr. Padilla DeBorst is a renowned practitioner, teacher, and speaker with decades of experience in ministry throughout Latin America through organizations such as the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), and Latin American Theological Fellowship. She has served the worldwide church through World Vision International, Resonate Global Mission (of the Christian Reformed Church of North America) and the International Fellowship for Mission as Transformation (INFEMIT), among others.

She has served on boards and councils ranging from the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization Latin America, A Rocha International, and the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies to the International Justice Mission and the American Society of Missiology.  

Dr. Padilla DeBorst has also served as Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios (CETI) president, dedicated to providing theological education to pastors and lay Christians throughout Latin America. In addition to her academic leadership, she has taught numerous courses through CETI and for theological schools throughout North America. 

To inquire about having Ruth Padilla DeBorst speak, please contact info@westernsem.edu.

Following Jesus as whole life disciples means engaging in God’s life-giving purposes far outside the bounds of religious language, church buildings, and evangelistic programs. The good news of Gods good and just reign propels God’s children beyond, sent as Jesus was, as agents of God’s preposterous reconciliation.

Resources from Dr. Ruth Padilla DeBorst

“An integral transformation approach” in The Mission of the Church: Five views in Conversation, Craig Ott (ed). Baker Academic, 2016.
“Songs of Hope out of a Crying Latin America: an Overview of Contemporary Latin American Theology” in Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective: Exploring the Contextual Nature of Theology and Mission, Greenman and Green (ed.). IVP Academic, 2012.
“At the Table their Eyes were Opened: Mission as Renouncing Power and Being Hosted by the Stranger” in IBMR 39:4, 2015pp. 198-202.