It’s not every day that the students, staff and faculty belt out “Father Abraham” in chapel, but when the Friendship House friends help lead the service, anything can happen!

This year marks a shift in the integration of Friendship House into the life of the seminary. Deliberate steps are being taken to increase interactions with the friends and to create more opportunities to learn from them.

Eighteen seminary students share the Ralph and Cheryl Schregardus Friendship House with six young adults (“friends”) with cognitive disabilities. The residence has six apartment pods and one shared recreation space. When it was built in 2007, it was the first of its kind in the country, and by all accounts it is thriving.

“Our kids have grown immensely. They’ve exceeded all testing measured by Hope College’s professors,” says Deb Sterken, speaking on behalf of the friends’ parents. “My son, Rob, is enjoying people and getting out. He is maturing, and his language continues to exceed expectations.”

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Over the years as the friends have benefited from the arrangement, the seminary students living with them have gained insights into ministering to those with disabilities and to their families.

The new director, Melissa Conner, and newly appointed resident advisor Dan DeVries, a third-year student, are bringing fresh energy to Friendship House. Their goal is to expand its impact beyond the 18 seminary students who live there.

Melissa is hosting monthly potlucks open to the entire seminary community. Dan has led chapel with the friends and hopes to have them participate more. They are inviting professors to enter the friends’ space and lead devotions on Sunday evenings.

Friend resident Amanda Kragt is taking Hebrew with Professor Tom Boogaart, and the class dynamic has strengthened since “Lyla” (Amanda’s Hebrew name) joined.

“I said to the class ‘aloo!’ (literally ‘go up’) and the students got on their chairs,” Dr. Boogaart explains. “But Lyla is a little unsteady and I thought ‘oh no!’ Yet immediately two of the students took her hand and helped her up onto her chair.”

Including Amanda has created a much deeper sense of what it means to be together and do life together. Amanda loves the class and is very proud to call herself a student at WTS.

“The role of student is a valued social role, and she knows that,” explains Professor of Discipleship Ben Conner. “It also puts her in contact with students in a different way than if she was just in Friendship House.”

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Amanda’s presence in the classroom has opened new possibilities for the friends.  Several professors are seeing the benefit of having at least one class every semester that could include a friend.

Friend resident Seth VanderBroek says he would like to take on the teacher role.

“I would teach respect, and I’m going to explain why,” says Seth. “I want people to see and feel what it’s like to have Down’s.”

“Many people just aren’t comfortable around people with disabilities.” explains Ben Conner. “They don’t know how to relate.”

Dr. Conner has sought to create shared experiences in his “Ministry in Margins” class, in which he takes the students to watch friend resident Megan Dalman take a horseback riding lesson with Friendship House director Melissa Conner, who also works as a therapeutic riding instructor for children and adults with disabilities.

“The students learn about opportunities Megan has to be independent, empowered, and to learn valuable skills,” Melissa explains.

The friends have a unique opportunity to increase their interactions with peers as they grow older because of their connection with WTS. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many young adults with cognitive impairments.

Deb Sterken, mother of friend resident Rob, says, “There is a community that’s very quiet but very present, watching what’s happening at Western Seminary—because it gives them hope.”

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Sterken is part of an organization working to implement Friendship Houses at other interested seminaries.

Former Dean of Students Matt Floding, who was instrumental in creating the original Friendship House, has started a Friendship House in his new position at Duke Divinity School. Sterken’s old neighbor and former WTS professor, Jaco Hamman, is planning to create one at Vanderbilt Divinity School, as well.

At WTS, Dr. Conner and others are working on another creative venture in the world of theological education—a Graduate Certificate in Disability Ministry. The certificate will include classes like “introduction to disability in the church” and even one called “Friendship House.” Students will start to think about how people with disabilities interact with Scripture and how the church can do a better job of including them in the life of faith.

In 2015 WTS will host the Institute on Theology and Disability, which will tie students into the international conversation surrounding this topic.

“As students graduate and receive calls to churches, my hope is that if there aren’t people with disabilities there, they’ll wonder why—because they’re used to being around people with disabilities,” Conner says. “Instead of someone trying to push the pastor of a church to consider people with disabilities, it will be the pastor who’s leading the way.”

After 25 years teaching Missiology at Western Theological Seminary, Rev. Dr. George Hunsberger is retiring. Please join us for his last lecture, as he discusses what difference it makes when you put the word “missional” in front of the word “church”.

“Missional is…” 

A “Last Lecture” given by Rev. Dr. George Hunsberger, Professor of Missiology

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
7:00 pm
Mulder Chapel

Reception following in the Burggraaff Atrium

At the end of the day, I see myself as a “foreign missionary” to my own country. George Hunsberger

Dr. George Hunsberger has worn many hats at the seminary, gaining admiration as both a professor and a colleague. After 25 years at WTS, the Florida-bred missiology professor is retiring.

When George was five, he moved from a small-town in Pennsylvania to Miami, Florida. His family joined a vibrant Presbyterian church in Miami, where George’s faith journey began.

He attended Belhaven College in Jackson, MS during the heat of the Civil Rights Movement, and went from Belhaven to Reformed Theological Seminary, also in Jackson.

Following seminary, he worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Florida and then as a pastor in Biloxi, MS. During those years George had a feeling that God would eventually call him overseas.

In 1978-1979, George finally found himself in Kenya working with Ugandan refugees. On his return he was called to teach New Testament and missiology at his alma mater, Belhaven College. During the 1980s, George completed a Ph.D. in missiology and ecumenics at Princeton Theological Seminary.

In 1989, George responded to a Western Theological Seminary ad looking for a missiologist, and the rest, as they say, is history.


Many students from the 1990s remember the “Gospel, Culture, and Ministry,” class which George co-taught with Chris Kaiser, Tom Boogaart and local pastor Andres Fierro. Students learned that it is impossible to share the Gospel without also engaging one’s own culture. One of the class texts was the Holland Sentinel, followed by discussions about issues happening around the city.

The first group of students to take the course set up an all-seminary retreat, inviting speakers to talk about poverty and hunger in West Michigan. With the help of passionate students and faculty, WTS started the Community Kitchen just six weeks later.

The course was stirring things up.

From 1989-1994, George directed the Master of Theology (Th.M.) program. The 40-year-old program at that time only admitted international students, who took M.Div. courses and then wrote a thesis. After one dissatisfied South African student asked, “Is this really a post-graduate program?” it was apparent the program was in need of a makeover. George and a team of faculty members developed a new structure.

The next year they recruited eight students, including two North Americans. George and others taught new seminars that engaged cross-cultural dimensions in the church’s life. During the same time, George played a role on the seminary’s Program Cabinet that added intercultural immersion trips to the Master of Divinity curriculum.

In 1990, George invited renowned mission theologian Lesslie Newbigin to present the Osterhaven Lectures at WTS. George had met Newbigin during his Ph.D. studies and had written his dissertation on Newbigin’s theology. Newbigin had been a long-time missionary to India who wrote several significant books after he returned to England and discovered the loss of the Gospel’s influence on Western culture. Newbigin spoke to packed houses at WTS, and his Osterhaven lectures became the book, Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth.

In April of that same academic year, South African missiologist David Bosch, author of Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, came to WTS to give six lectures.

“To many folks those names wouldn’t mean a lot, but to a missiologist it was the cream of the crop, twice over,” George says with a large grin.

Bosch died in a motor accident one year later. He was succeeded in his role at the University of South Africa by Sam Maluleke—the same student whose complaints had convinced WTS to revamp the Th.M. program a few years earlier.

Concurrent with these lectures, George served as coordinator of The Gospel and Our Culture Network (GOCN). In 1998, George and five other theologians published Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America.

The Gospel and Our Culture Network, housed at Western, sent out newsletters that helped inspire Chuck DeGroat and Scot Sherman to start the Newbigin House of Studies in San Francisco.

“Quite a few of us were impacted by the writings of the GOCN in the late 1990s,” says Chuck DeGroat, now a professor at WTS. “The work informed a generation of church planters and planted seeds for visionary ideas like Newbigin House.”

In 2002, President Dennis Voskuil appointed George as the Dean for the Center of the Continuing Education of the Church (later renamed Journey Center for Learning). George expanded continuing education by focusing on the whole church with a special emphasis on mentoring.

From 2007-2013, George took the reins of the Doctor of Ministry program. He especially enjoyed the in-depth individual work with each D.Min. student.

George says his fondest memory of WTS is his relationships with other faculty: “There is always a sense of collegiality, a common heartbeat.”

In retirement, George and his wife, Katherine, plan to spend quality time with their children and grandchildren. In addition to speaking engagements and seminar leadership, George will be writing a book on “Contrast and Companionship: the Way of the Church with the World.” This will build upon his forthcoming Eerdmans publication, The Story that Chooses Us: A Tapestry of Missional Vision.

The Bast Preaching Festival


2014 Fall Festival (Nov 9-10) with Rev. Eugene Peterson

To view the lectures, click here:

Bast Preaching Festival 2014: Session 1

Bast Preaching Festival 2014: Session 2


Be inspired and renewed at the Bast Preaching Festival as we engage our vocation of preaching, our call as pastors and our lives as disciples.

This year, our featured guest is Eugene H. Peterson. He will join us in conversation around the importance of “Eating the Book” we are called to preach. Eugene Peterson is professor emeritus of spiritual theology at Regent College in Vancouver. He is the author of over thirty books, including Eat this Book and Tell it Slant.

Discussion groups, TED style talks, and conversations will fill our time together. Newly formed Bast Preaching Peer Groups will gather for the first time at the festival as they begin their journey as cohorts.

Note that the Bast Festival will be preceded on November 8, 2014 by a conference surrounding the new book, “Pastoral Work”. This text is an exploration of Eugene Peterson’s work throughout his life by several contributors. If interested in attending this conference, contact Tara Macias (

The Bast Preaching Festival has developed into a partnership with the Chaplain’s Office at Hope College, where WTS president Rev. Dr. Tim Brown will precede the conference with a “guest sermon” at Hope College’s Sunday evening Gathering at 8:00pm. This portion of the conference is open to the public.

Han-luen Kantzer Komline


Han-luen Kantzer Komline is a PhD candidate in theology at the University of Notre Dame and Faculty Fellow for the academic year 2014-2015 at Western Theological Seminary. There she is teaching two sections of Church History I while she completes her dissertation on Augustine’s conception of will.

Though Augustine’s thinking on will is often treated as just one page in the story of the history of philosophy, her dissertation makes Augustine’s conception of will the subject of a story unto itself, a story with changes and chapters of its own that are vital to grasping the complexity of Augustine’s thinking on this topic. In fact, she argues, it is impossible to tell the story of Augustine’s thinking on will without reference to two further stories: the story of Augustine’s development as a thinker and the overarching story of redemption he finds in Christian scripture. As he matures, Augustine layers page upon page onto his conception of will. Ultimately, the Bishop of Hippo comes to believe that events like creation, fall, redemption and eschaton all have drastic consequences of how human willing works, and even what it “is.” This conviction still shapes us today.

Suzanne McDonald


Suzanne McDonald was born and raised in Australia. She has a B.A. and Masters in English Literature, and it was through studying literature that she came to faith. After working for the Red Cross in Australia and in local government administration in England, Professor McDonald studied theology at Cambridge University, earned her Ph.D. at St. Andrews University, and taught theology at the seminary in Cambridge before accepting the call to come to Calvin five years ago. She recently published the book, Re-Imaging Election: Divine Election as Representing God to Others and others to God.

Dr. Willie Jennings is Associate Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School and the author ofThe Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race.

The Leonard F. Stoutemire Lecture in Multicultural Ministry is sponsored by the Diversity Committee of Western Theological Seminary in conjunction with the Graduate Certificate of Urban Pastoral Ministry Program. The Leonard F. Stoutemire Lectures in Multicultural Ministry are named in honor of the late Reverend Leonard Foster Stoutemire, pioneer African-American clergyman and church planter to Holland, Michigan. Though originally he wanted to enlist into missionary service on the continent of Africa, in 1944 Stoutemire migrated to Holland to plant the city’s first intentionally multiracial congregation, the All Nations Full Gospel Church of Holland.
The purpose of the lecture series is to equip seminarians, faculty, staff, alumni/ae and local congregations with resources for increased intercultural competence for greater effectiveness in Christian ministry.